How to draw a flower step by step

In this article you will get the tutorial how you can make a flower in some very simple steps. You can also teach your small kids to draw a flower. This tutorial is very easy to understand and follow.

How to make a flower

Making a flower drawing is a dream of every kid. But many times they are not be able to draw them accurately so in this tutorial you will get all the steps very clearly so follow steps and start making a flower.

Steps to make a flower

Step Nine to make a flower

1. First step to make a flower : Make a small round shape as given in the picture.

2. Second step to make a flower : Make another small circle attached to the first bigger circle.

3. Third step to make a flower: Make 2 more circles in the same way and have a look to the picture available.

4. Fourth step to make a flower : In the step 4 cover the bigger circle with many small circles as shown in the image.

5. Fifth step to make a flower : Make another circle so that all small circles will come inside this circle.

6. Sixth step to make a flower: In the same manner cover this circle by small small circles as you did previously. For more information refer the image by clicking on the link.

7. Seventh step to make a flower : Now make the stem of your flower as in the image.

8. Eight step to make a flower : In this step make the leaves of the flower to make it more beautiful.

9. Step Nine to make a flower: Now your flower is fully ready just color it and have fun.



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