Easy and Fun Tongue Twisters for Children

This article contains some easy-to-learn tongue twisters to rack the brain and tongue of your kid. You may ask the child to say them as fast as possible without making any errors. The kid who repeats the tongue twister for the longest time wins the game!

A tongue twister game

Here is a fun tongue twister game for you and friends. First of all, ask your parent or teacher to read the tongue twisters mentioned in this article. Then she/he must pick out one tongue twister and ask the children to speak it continuously without making mistake. Let us see who can recite the tongue twisters for the longest time!

Some tongue twisters for children

  1. We saw a saw which is made of a big see-saw!

  2. The show had a shocking showstopper who saved the show!

  3. Row the row-boat through the river rarely making a row

  4. Popcorn popped with a loud pop and Poppy heard the pop!

  5. Wide way was full of weeds and weeds filled the wide way

  6. Wrap the rope with rapper

  7. Jill and Jilly ate some jelly and Jill loved jelly than Jilly loved jelly

  8. Chuck checked the chalk and Chuck chocked on the chalk

  9. Merry Mary merrily married merry man

  10. Dog dodged the dark doll that dashed through the door

Tips to parents

Tongue twisters help to improve the speaking abilities of the child and helps to develop a clear and perfect pronunciation. They come to understand the nuances of language, say, the difference between similar vowel sounds, different meaning of same-sounding words etc. They will learn the language through fun and play. So give it a try!


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