All ideas about Measurement
If you are looking for Math’s worksheets, many useful items that you can print out, educational activities and lot more for your kids? You are on the right place. Study village provides Free educational material. One of them is Measurement worksheets that included here with many examples and activities inside!
You could have seen that children are eager to know about their height and weight at times. They would love to know how much saving do they have in the peggy bank and quantity of the stuffs that they have for themselves. Students already have some familiarity with the word of measurement. Hence we can now teach them about standard forms of measurement.
Standard forms of measurement:
Length, area, volume, capacity, mass, time and temperature are Standard forms of measurement. Meter or centimeter, foot, gram or kilogram, liter or milliliter are examples of common measurement units.
Measurement tools:
Measurement tools enable students to learn about measurements. Measurements tools for every object vary on state of object i.e when they are solid, liquid or gas and depends upon their sizes as well. Units vary as different tools are used for measurements. A measuring scale and measuring tape are two different devices for measuring height, length, breadth, depth and thickness.
The standard units for measuring length are millimeter, centimeter and meter. But if we want to measure the length of a road we recommended the usage of kilometer. To weigh something like weight of the sugar or any boxes or any solid objects we can use blocks made with written measurements on them. A gram is standard unit for measuring weight. Liquids are measured in litre or milliliter. Liter is the standard unit for measuring capacity.
It's fun to use different measuring tools to measure toys, books and even juice in your bottle. After practice by worksheets attached here, you will know how to use tools and measurement units. Have fun with measuring things around you!