Labor Day India Printable Coloring Pages for Kids
Labor Day is also known as May Day in India and it is celebrated on 1st of May of every year. Here we have come up with some printable coloring pages on May Day. Parents can download and print these printable and provide their kids for coloring and enjoyment.
Labor Day printable coloring pages for kids
1st of May of every year is celebrated as Labor Day in India. Labor Day is also known as May Day. Labor Day corresponds to the International Worker's Day. In India, first of all, the Labor Day was celebrated in Chennai on May 1, 1923 by Kisan Party of Hindustan.
Parents can download Labor Day printable coloring pages for kids and provide their printouts to kids for coloring. Parents should also tell kids the importance of this occasion as this is the day when the working men and women participate in processions to defend their rights and safeguard their interests.
So enjoy coloring and do right to us about this printable coloring resource. For more festivals printable coloring resource, you can visit following links: