How to Make a Face Mask in Some Simple Steps

In this article I have mentioned how to make a face mask in some simple and easy steps. Children can make face masks of various animals, cartoon characters, ghosts etc. And by wearing these masks they can play roles of various story characters. You can follow the instructions step by step and make the face mask on your own.

How to make a face mask of cartoon character or animal in some easy steps

Follow the step given below to make the face mask

(Click on the steps to see the preview)

Step 1 Take a white paper.

Step 2 Draw the face on it, it can be of any cartoon character or animal etc of your choice
Note make sure that the face should be big enough to fit to your face.

Step 3 Make the string attachment space as shown in figure.

Step 4 Color the character's face.

Step 5 Now draw the outline by using a black marker

Step 6 Paste the sheet on a card board nicely. (Preferably use glue stick or fevicol)

Step 7 Cut out the character's face from the card board (Don't miss the string attachment)

Step 8 Punch the eye holes according to your eyes distance and also punch the holes in the string attachments (punch it on the big black dots)

Step 9 Take a rubber band or string, fasten it on the string attachment holes.

Your face mask is now ready to be worn.

Prepare the masks of various characters of your choice and play the roles of the various story characters.

For downloading more prepared face mask visit the following link:
Face masks coloring pages for kids



More articles: How to make a face mask


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