Learn German by learning names of COLORS
Hi, Kids and all the learners out there!
Have you ever thought about colors? Have you ever felt or thought whether these colors around us have any significance? Well, most of us love the sky, the blue sky, though it is not the color of that sky, to which at least I've fallen in Love! :) Really!
Today we'll learn the COLOR NAMES in the sweet German language.
See the description for details. Good luck!
How to learn German language by names of COLORS?
I hope you all enjoyed learning the earlier lessons. In this resource you'll learn the color names!
COLORS are expressions of love! Colors are always beautiful to make one's heart feel better. It acts amazingly to steal or rather say destroy or vanish our tension. Isn't it?German language learning tips
As we know the German is very much similar to the language English, that is why it is very easier to learn ( But every language has an inner beauty and that is all we think very hard, but it is not at all if you really want learn! ).
Well, here you shall find some worksheets attached, of names of the colors ( Die Farben ) to practice and color.
You are welcome to download the worksheets and feel free print out as many copies you want to practice. Learn and have fun! :)
Best of luck! :)