Our Body - Greatest Engineering Ever

This article is a sum-up of the various aspects of the wonder called human Body. Its is a comprehensive collection of our basic understanding of our body and all its comprising systems like digestive , respiratory and other systems. It is an extensive article series on Human body.

Our body is a wonderful machine made up of billions upon billions of petite cells. Our Body is capable of performing numerous stunts and feats which is possible due to the amazing coordination between its different parts. The cells in our body are immensely tiny and can be seen only through a microscope. Every other second billions of cells expire and are being replaced immediately. There are many different kinds of cells , of which the most important are the skin cells, red blood cells, Nerve cells, Muscle cells, fat cells, etc.

The body is covered in the exterior with a flexible layer called the skin. It keeps the body fluids within the body and safeguards the body from harmful bacteria. As the outer layer of the skin is worn out, a new layer comes up.

Our Body - Greatest Engineering Ever

A structure of over 206 bones that form a skeleton system supports the entire body. The bones are fixed together in the form of joints wherever flexibility is required. Inside the skull we find the brain which controls the whole nervous system and in-fact the whole body and its actions. Nerves carry signals to all the different parts of our body which act as messengers for controlling the body function.

Once food is swallowed, it enters our digestive system where the food particles are smashed down so that they can be passed to the blood. The lever turns this food into ingredients which are required for the well functioning of the various organs of our body. The left overs wastes are passed into the intestines for being discarded out of the body.

The waste passes into the urinary system. The blood in our body is purified by the kidneys. The left over impurities are sent to the bladder in the form of urine.

Pumping the blood and supply of oxygen is done by the respiratory system , this comprises of the lungs, heart and the nasal passage. We breath air through our nose and mouth, which is collected in the lungs. Here the oxygen from the air is absorbed.Oxygen is mixed in the blood and pumped to various parts of the body my the heart.

As the human body grows it acquires a immense number of skills. The body grows in size, intelligence increases, features change and so on. In the later years of life, the skin gets wrinkles, hair turns gray, joints become weak, and muscles contain less power. We must exercise regularly , eat the right food and thus take good care of our body.

Our Body - Greatest Engineering Ever
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