Pokemon Coloring Pages Set 1

Here are some Pokemon coloring pages from the cartoon series Pokemon. Pokemon is one of the most widely watched cartoons on cartoon network. Feel free to download and print these coloring pages. Do give feed back.

In this article i am attaching some of the famous characters in kids cartoon series Pokemon. i hope you all will enjoy coloring it.

Little about Pokemon

Pokemon was started as a game series by Japanese company Nintendo. The word Pokemon came from 'pocket monsters'. Pokemon was once broadcasted in kids favorite cartoon network. Many Pokemon movies were also broadcasted.

Pokemon is a story of bunch of friends leaving for a big adventurous journey where the get to see many Pokemon. They even capture many of them. The series is full of poke battles. Ash Ketchum, Brock, Misty, Gary, are some of the lead character as humans. Everyone's favorite pikachu is the lead pokemon character. Ash's favorite Pokemon were pikachu, bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle etc. There are different categories of Pokemon, they are:

  1. Normal
  2. Fire
  3. Water
  4. Electric
  5. Grass
  6. Ice
  7. Fighting
  8. Poison
  9. Ground
  10. Flying
  11. Psychic
  12. Bug
  13. Rock
  14. Ghost
  15. Dragon
  16. Dark
  17. Steel

Every one of them have different powers and they defend themselves using these powers. Poke-balls are used to catch Pokemon and pet them. They are used for poke fights in tournaments or championships.

I hope everyone likes my drawings. Please give feedback. If you have any favorite Pokemon character let me know. I will include it on my next post.



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