American Heart Month
American Heart Month is observed in February across United States. It's established under US Code 36. Having a healthy heart is important to live healthy and stay productive. The month long campaign teaches people about healthy living, healthy heart benefits and prevention from Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
The people of America observe February as American Heart Month. Organizations engaged in promotion of healthy heart educate people through various activities about keeping heart healthy. Americans consider human heart as symbol of love.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) like High Blood Pressure, Stoke and Heart Disease are topmost killer of people in America. In terms of healthcare expenditure and decreased productivity CVD costs approximately 300 billion dollar each year to United States.
Under United States Code (USC) 36 Act, February is established as American Heart Month. Many government and public organizations across America conducts studies about CVD and educate people. Hospitals and Healthcare Professionals take active participation in activities related CVD prevention.
According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services every year 1 in 4 deaths in America are caused by heart disease. As a preventive measure, this government body suggests to go for blood pressure check up in a gap of 2 years for people 18 years of age and older. Blood Pressure check up is highly recommended for people of age 40 years and beyond. Everyone is suggested to go for blood pressure health check even if a person feels that he / she is competently healthy
Some of the top agencies in America working for the prevention of CVD are:, American Heart Association (AHA), Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Go Red for Women and WomenHeart.Org and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Hospitals, health care professionals and individuals in America are encouraged to educate people about Heart Disease, Prevention and Cure.
The American Heart Month serves to the following purpose:
1. Educate people to make changes in living habits for a healthy heart; for example, people are encouraged to consume less salt in food and use spices for seasoning.
2. Educators are encouraged to make physical activity a daily routine for school children. This develops an early habit of daily workout in students.
3. Doctors and Nurses are encouraged to go out, speak in community about heart disease, prevention and cure.
Here are some tips to keep your heart healthy. Celebrate American Heart Month in style. Encourage healthy living in people.
1. Eat Healthy
2. Limit the salt in your food.
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
4. Include 30 minutes workout in your daily routine.
5. Smoking Kills. Do NOT smoke.
6. Limit the quantity of alcohol.
7. Go for Blood Pressure checkup.
8. Take time to relax.
9. Go out, speak in the community.
10. Make a group or be the part of one working for Healthy Heart Campaign.
And the least but not last, every year in the month of February, take everyone from your community for Blood Pressure Checkup.