Importance of social distancing during Corona virus outbreak
Social distancing or isolation are trending nowadays. It is a measure to confine and prevent the spread of Coronavirus. It does not mean that we have to maintain emotional distancing. We can reach out to others through various means.
Social distancing is that phrase that we commonly hear today coming from mouths of media people, celebrities, political leaders as well as from our near and dear ones. Many of us hardly knew what this phrase meant before the coronavirus outbreak. Within a few months, this phrase has gained so much importance that it has become an essential part of our lives. With every passing day, it is becoming more popular. Some of us follow it religiously whereas others are forced to follow it. Some of us know its importance and appreciate the initiatives of Governments in implicating this rule on us. Others find various ways to somehow escape and go out there as it is becoming extremely difficult for them to remain confined.What is social distancing?
The meaning of social distancing is hidden in the phrase itself. The purpose is to maintain a distance between us and others. In short, social distancing is a way to come in contact with as fewer numbers of people as possible. Thus, we will be going out only when necessary. We will be meeting people only if our meetings cannot be postponed. We are asked to remain confined within our homes, and avoid going out as much as possible. We are asked to avoid public places such as markets, cinema halls, stadiums. We have to avoid travelling on public buses and trains. Only if travelling is essential as our work is of high priority, we are asked to leave our homes. Apart from that, nonessential work travel is not permitted in a few places and not recommended in other places. Why is it difficult?
Many of us are finding difficulty in following this rule. What might be the reason behind it? We, humans, are social animals. We love to mingle with others and share our experiences, happiness, achievements, pain and sorrow with others. We love to celebrate as well as mourn in the presence of others. In short, we want the presence of others to survive. During the coronavirus outbreak, we are asked to remain confined in our homes and physically maintain distance from others. Thus, we are finding social distancing difficult. None of us thought that this pandemic will continue to exist for so long wherein we will be forced to maintain a safe distance from others. We have to spend months without seeing our near and dear ones. Irrespective of age groups, all those people who love to mingle and gather socially are finding social distancing extremely difficult.Impact of social distancing
Celebrations such as birthday parties, marriage ceremonies, anniversaries were the reason for social gatherings. Today even these grand occasions are been celebrated with simplicity. Government has restricted the number of people for attending marriages and funeral ceremonies. Everyone is respecting the orders. Thus, everything has become simple. With only a few people being invited, celebrations have become meaningful, unlike earlier where there were too much showoff and people used to find a reason to spend more. Today birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated within homes. Every person from home is trying the best by contributing from their side so that the day becomes memorable. Thus, though this pandemic disease has created a physical barrier between people but has also brought everyone mentally closer. Why is isolation essential?
The reason for us to contribute our best in social distancing or isolation is to stop this deadly coronavirus from spreading. When we maintain social distancing or isolate ourselves, we are breaking the chain. When we minimize our contacts with others, we are minimizing the chances of getting infected from it and so are we contributing our best in preventing and spreading the virus to others. Spreading of this virus is like a chain reaction. If we want to prevent its spread, we have to physically restrict ourselves from coming in contact with our friends, relatives, colleagues and others.
Since everyone around us is requesting or issuing orders on strictly following social distancing, there must be a reason behind it. It must be of a greater good for us, and everyone around us. It must be extremely important for the human race. The reason is that those who are carrying coronavirus do not show early symptoms. They may be infected with it but as they are not experiencing symptoms, they feel that they are all right. Thus, when they go out and come in contact with many, there is a chance that they may infect too many others. Likewise, those who get infected will continue spreading the infection to others with whom they come in contact with. This chain will keep multiplying. When we remain in our homes and minimize our contacts, we are protecting ourselves, our family members as well as preventing the spread in the community. Ignore the guidelines and overlook the importance of social distancing, and we will be putting everyone's life at stake. Why has it become the reason for emotional distancing in many?
During these difficult times, to contain and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, social distancing has become the necessity and need of the hour. Social distancing is difficult in those individuals who are used to social gatherings. Despite their busy schedules, they love to spend their time, socializing with their near and dear ones. By socializing, it does not mean to be in contact through the means of social media. They make sure to meet and spend some quality time with others. Thus, along with physical isolation, people are experiencing emotional isolation too. Social isolation has drained out their emotional strength. Since they cannot go out and meet others, they are running down on energy and feeling depressed.
Loneliness and depression are bad for health. Every thought affects every cell of the body. When we remain happy, we feel good, and our overall health improves. When we feel emotionally drained out, we feel sad. Thus, not only our emotional and mental health gets affected but it also exerts influence on our physical health. Depression can increase blood pressure and the chances of suffering from heart-related disorders. Feeling low can also exert a negative effect on the body's defence system and weaken immunity which in turn increases chances of getting infected from coronavirus. Thus, social distancing whose purpose was to contain and prevent the spread of this pandemic disease has also become the means to suffer from depression and weaken immunity.Coping strategies
Irrespective of how difficult it might be to follow social distancing, it is a must if we have to put an end to this pandemic and become victorious. We have to keep in mind that we are not alone during these tough times. There are millions just like us who are trying their best to survive and keep their family, near and dear ones safe. Thus, instead of feeling lonely and getting depressed just because we are not allowed to do what we normally do in our routine, we have to set an example and also help others by encouraging them to strictly follow social distancing. When we complain, we are draining our energy. Instead, we should take it positively. Within a short time, the tough times will be over, and life will return to the normal routine.
Social distancing does not have to be emotional distancing. Though we cannot physically meet others, it does not mean that we cannot contact others. Why not make a call and ask our near and dear ones about their healths? Why not face chat all those elderly individuals who are alone in their homes? Why not make use of social networking sites, voice calls, video calls, WhatsApp and many more apps to come together? When feeling lonely, make use of these modern technologies and come together. These apps help us to spend time together. Also, there is so much for every one of us during these desperate times. We all have one or the other hobby. Why not spend time doing those things for which we rarely find time for? Let us explore something new. Let us watch our favourite movies, television shows, paint, draw, take online dance lessons, improve our cooking skills. Let us carry out any activity which interests us. These all will serve as coping techniques during these difficult times.Final words on social distancing
Coronavirus outbreak has thrown our daily routine as well as our regular normal lives off the track. We are forced to confine ourselves within four walls in which we are struggling and usually complaining about our new lifestyle. Though difficult but social distancing is a must if we have to break the chain. We have to follow it anyway. If we complain and follow, the procedure will seem difficult. If we accept it and know its importance completely, we will then know how effectively will it eradicate this pandemic from society and the world. Thus, let us come together and keep our spirits high and alive. At the same time, make use of coping strategies which will help us to bind emotionally together when we are physically distant from each other.
This resource need to be reviewed and passed by the editors so that the author would get the points and the cash credits as it already passed five months and no editor appointed to this site.