Corona virus essay for class VIII students

Corona virus has spread in the world in form of a pandemic and the whole world is under a wave of fear and apprehension about its ill effects. As there is no drug invented for this deadly infection, we have to take precautions to avoid and contain it.


The deadly virus infection which out broke in China sometime in November 2019, has now spread in almost the whole world and humans are fighting with this biological enemy day and night in a bid to contain it to admissible levels. The problem is complicated as there is no cure available for this deadly infection.

Corona virus

Corona virus is a mutated virus from the family of flu virus and affects the lungs of the diseased person. Initially it affects throat and brings fever in the body and the symptoms look like cough, cold and flu only, but later, it starts affecting the lungs and damages them bringing death to the patients. Due to its symptoms being similar to the flu and common cough and cold it is not easy to distinguish it and in many cases no confirmation can be made whether the patient is suffering from it or not.
There is one test for corona virus and any individual who has any such symtoms should get himself tested for the presence of this virus in the body. Once the test result come as positive indicating the presence of virus in the body then the individual has to be isolated so that the infection does not spread to other people. Some hospitals and many labs are having this facility and would take sample from the patient to check for the presence of this deadly virus in the body. The patient is kept in the isolation ward in the hospital and given the normal treatment like reducing the fever, giving pain relievers etc and most of the patients get recovered in 10-15 days time. Out of 100 patients on an average about 95 to 96 are getting well but some of the patients where the infection has deepened do not survive. In fact if a patient does not get serious symptoms then he can be isolated and can be kept in the home environment. The family members can take care of him with observing all precautions. As there is no cure so the only thing which can protect us from it is the resistance and good immunity which can help to fight with this virus and the patient is cured in 12 to 15 days time. It is observed that this infection manifests differently in different people depending upon the individual resistance power against disease. It is also said that senior people should avoid going out as virus has a tendency of affecting the old people quickly.

As there is no cure so far in the modern medicines, some traditional doctors are recommending natural remedies for it. As there is no experimental verification of those prescriptions, we can not tell confidently about the effectiveness of these natural medicines in this particular virus threat. Only thing is use of certain herbs and spices as mentioned in our Ayurveda, can be done for increasing the body resistance so that it has a good strength for fighting with the external microbes. It is also told that we have to take ample precautions while we go out and do not touch anything until necessary. The disease spreads through personal contacts and touching each other and it becomes important to avoid that. Social distancing is a must in all cases. Prevention is always better than cure.


Corona virus is slowly affecting more and more people in the world. If we want to get rid of it then we have to be very alert and follow the Govt directions time to time. Another thing is one has to use ones common sense to understand as what can be the different sources of getting this infection, only that type of alertness would help us in getting ourselves protected. If we all observe social distancing and other precautions then we would simply be able to contain this evil so that it does not harm us in fatal ways.


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