Free Printable Worksheets for Kids

Are you are looking for the free printable worksheets for kids. Here we provide various kinds of worksheets for kids like maths worksheet, science worksheet, language worksheet and much more to improve your child's skill by practicing on it. Explore our free printable worksheets for kids.

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The Lion King Coloring Pages

Here are some The lion king coloring pages from the animated movie 'The lion king'. The lion king was one of the best animated movies by Walt Disney feature animation. It was released in 1994 and still its famous characters like simba, pumba, timon are the favorite characters of kids. Feel free to download and print these pages. Have fun coloring the Lion King!

Oggy and the Cockroaches Coloring Pages

Here are some cool Oggy and the cockroaches coloring pages from the animated series Oggy and the cockroaches. I've explained about the characters on the article. Use the right color for the right character so that you can get an amazing picture. Feel free to download and enjoy coloring.

Pokemon Coloring Pages Set 1

Here are some Pokemon coloring pages from the cartoon series Pokemon. Pokemon is one of the most widely watched cartoons on cartoon network. Feel free to download and print these coloring pages. Do give feed back.

Fox and Crane Story Coloring Pages

Hello kids, we have another moral story from Aesop's fable, story of "Fox and crane story". In this article, I will mentioned the picture story and colouring pages of the story of "Fox and crane story". From this story, we will learn,One Bad turn, deserves another.

Maths Practice - Find the bigger and smaller number for kids 3 - 5 years old

Are you looking for Maths printable worksheets for 3-5 years old kids? This article contain worksheets for children to learn the bigger and smaller number. After learning numbers, next the children must able to compare the numbers and find the bigger or smaller numbers before moving on to further learning. Enrich your Maths skills and at the same time have fun learning

Coloring Pages of Various Face Masks

In this article I have attached coloring pages of various face masks which can also be used as face masks by pasting them on card board and then cutting the outlines of the mask. So children can do this very interesting and enjoyable work in the summer vacations.

Nursery Rhyme Coloring Pages for Kids

Rhymes are the easy way to arouse interests of your kids in reading and if they can color their favorite nursery rhymes pictures than the fun become double. Here we are with several Nursery Rhyme Coloring Pages below. Just print them and see the joy on your kids faces.

Learn how to show Respect / command in Bengali Language

Hi kids, when you talk to your parents and elders you show respect using words and command your younger, again using words, right? Almost all of us are habituated doing so. And that type of sentences have a special name, i.e Imperative sentences. In this resource you are going to learn some of the Imperative sentences! Learn and use them in your conversation! See the description for details. :)

Learn to speak Small Speeches in Bengali language

Hi kids. After learning the Greetings and Exclamation in Bengali you would like to learn something very interesting like small speeches! Whenever we talk to in our languages we do use small speeches like It's alright. / O.K. etc. In Bengali language also we can use small speeches. Yes in this resource you are going to learn small speeches! See the description for details. :)

Bengali Worksheet - opposite words

Dear kids, today we will learn about opposite words and opposite gender. In this article I mentioned about Bengali worksheets of common opposite words and gender with practice pages for small kids. So common children lets start learning.

Alphabetical Birds Fact and Colouring Pages for Kids

Hello kids, Want to colour some birds? Here we have alphabetical list of birds, bird fact for kids and also birds colouring pages. In this article, I have mentioned, a-z bird list with fun facts. Do you know the world's smallest bird is bee humming bird and largest bird is ostrich, there are 372 parrot species found world wide, and many more facts. So, lets learn about birds.

Learn Exclamation in Bengail language

Hello, kids. After learning the greetings in Bengali language you would like to learn some words of Exclamation so that you can use them while talking! Well, in this resource you are going to learn the words or group of words in the language i.e Exclamatory sentences in Bengali. Isn't it amazing! So lets start learning the Exclamation in Bengali language! See the description for details. :)

Learn Bengail language by learning Greetings!

Hello, kids. You are now familiar with the letters in Bengali language, isn't it? And you would be liking to learn some words so that you can use them while talking! Well, in this resource you are going to learn the words or group of words in the language i.e Greetings in Bengali. Isn't it amazing! So lets start learning the Greetings in Bengali language! See the description for details. :)

Story Coloring Page - Three Fishes

Hello kids, we have another moral story from Panchatantra, story of three fishes. In this article, I will mentioned the story of three fishes in Bengali. Here we read and colour the story of three fishes in Bengali. We learn that if anybody has problem, then he or she must cleaver enough to solve that, should not depend on luck.

Country Flags Coloring Pages for Kids

Coloring pages are a fun filled way to make kids learn the different country flags and remember the flags for a long time. As it is said, something done is learnt better than something heard or seen. These flags coloring pages are easy to print and can be stored for future use.

Ocean Animal Coloring pages for kids

Hello kids, Want to colour some ocean animals? Here we have lots of ocean animal colouring pages. Whale, the biggest water animal, shark with its sharp teeth, fishes, octopus and many more to colour. So, learn name and fun facts about the ocean animals, draw them and finally colour them.

How to Draw- Drawing Worksheets for Kids

In this article, I have mentioned few drawing like, how to draw lady, man, duck, bird, flower vase, umbrella - in step by step for small kids. Just follow the steps and make your very own drawing. Colour them as you like. Print it and get you own copy, practice drawing and try with different colours. So, lets start drawing and learn with fun.

Learn Shape and color worksheets for kids

In this article, I have mentioned few shapes like, Circle,Oval,Square, Star, rectangle, Triangle and other geometrical shapes for little kids. Make your very own copy of shape, color them. Print it and practice the geometrical shapes and try with different colors too. So, kids learn shape and color.

Learn German by learning the names of Birds

Hello Kids! Well, do you love Birds? You might have seen some of the birds flying in the sky. And some birds might be living somewhere near your house, isn't it? Well, how do you call them? Do you think some one from England and the other from somewhere else call them (i.e the Birds) by the same name? How would you call them in German language? Think... think... take your time...! :) By the time you can see the description below. :) Have lots of Fun!

"Birds" - Drawing Worksheets for Kids

Hi, kids! Well, do you like birds to see? Why do you like them? Is the reason for liking them is their feathers? But you know what there are many things common ( in behavior but not appearance ) with a person to his/her likings! And to know so you've to know about the bird's behavior! See the description for details. Best of LUCK!

Know Amazing Facts about the Fruits - 'Banana'

Hi kids. All of us love fruits to have, isn't it? And there are various kinds of fruits available in the market. Do you know where do they come from? How did they get popularity? Well, in this resource you are going to find all the amazing facts about the fruit 'BANANA'! See the description for details. Have fun knowing about the fruits!

Decorative Flower Pots and Vases Coloring Pages

In this article we have provided coloring pages of flower pots and vases. Children love coloring flowers and also flower pots. Here are some coloring pages of different kinds of flower pots with different kinds of flower. Just download and take print outs of these coloring pages and give these to the children.

Tenali Raman Printable Coloring Pages for Kids

Most of the kids will be familiar with the name 'Tenali Raman'. He was the court poet of the Vijayanagara empire ruled by the great king Krishnadevaraya. This article contains the printable colouring pages of the most important incidents happened during the course of his life. Enjoy coloring this pages and have fun

Exotic Cars Printable Coloring Pages for Kids

This article mainly covers the printable coloring pages of exotic cars. The children always love to color cartoon characters as well as vehicles. These coloring pages will help kids to know something about exotic cars. Just go through this article to know about various exotic cars and their peculiarities.

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