Drawing Worksheets for Kids

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How to make a decorative butterfly

Children love to decorate things. Here's a stepwise instruction to make a butterfly that you can use to decorate your books, room or where ever you want to use it. Teach them how to make a butterfly decorative using the steps to keep them busy and learning.

How to draw Mickey mouse in some simple steps

In this article I have mentioned how to draw the face of famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse in some simple and easy steps. You can follow the instructions step by step and make it on your own. Draw it on paper and color it using appropriate colors.

How to make a Rangoli in easy steps

In this article I have written about the Rangoli and also how can a small kid can easily make this rangoli of his own without facing any problem. There are steps available in the article which will guide you in each process.

How to draw an Apple in few simple steps

In this article you will get how to make an Apple fruit in few simple steps. All the steps are easy to learn and understand. If you are a parent then this method will help you to teach your kid how ho make an Apple.

How to draw a Joker within 10 minutes

In this article I have uploaded many pictures of each step involved in making a joker. This tutorial of making a joker is really too easy to understand and after reading and looking each steps your kid will learn how to draw a Joker within 10 minutes.

Learn how to make a snow man ( Ice man)

In this article I have given all the step by step procedure of making a snow man in a sheet of paper specially meant for the purpose of making children creative. All the points are easy to learn even a small kid can also learn of his own.

Coloring Worksheets of Janmashtami festival

Janmashtami is also known as Gokulashtami and Dahi Handi. It is celebrated on the Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravana in the Hindu calendar. So, in this article I have attached few printables of this Indian festival.

How to draw a Penguin

For kids Penguin is the most amazing bird, here is the simple way to draw the penguin which you like surely. It is very easy to draw the Penguin by using following steps. To know more about How to draw a Penguin please visits the article given below.

Want to make friendship with animals! Know them first!

Hi Kids! Almost everyone of us have a pet at home, isn't it? We choose Dog, Cat, Birds, Fishes as our pets. But what if we choose forest animals! Don't surprise! You know what, in ancient times forest animals like Tigers, Deers, Crocodiles were chosen as pets by kings in many countries! Wow, isn't it! But general people used to choose Elephants, Cows, Buffellos, Goats etc. as their pets. Want to know more..? See the description.

Animal and Marine Life Coloring Pages

Hey kids! Do you know marine animals? Want to know how do they look and behave? Now you can know them very easily! If you want to surpise your parents, friends and even teachers, you are welcome to use the drawings here. Using these will not only help you to draw the figures of animals very easily but also will help you learn about them. See the description for details.

Printable drawing worksheet for 4 to 12 year kids

Children have varied imaginations, but their problem is a proper start. Understanding the problems that children face, we came up with an idea of providing unique worksheets for children which can give a start to the young minds to explore further and get their ideas on these coloring pages. The following resource helps children to make use of such printable drawing worksheets which are aimed for 4 to 12 year kids

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