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  • Category: Primary Education

    How can we relate Maths to real life

    Children always like practical things that are easy to understand for them.
    We can use real life examples for teaching Maths to children.

    For teaching the concept of Fraction in Maths we can show them examples of some recipes that requires ½ or ¾ portions of ingredients.
    When teaching time, we can use a real clock and ask questions such as "How many minutes till lunch time?" or How many hour till play time? etc..
    At the shopping time you can take them with you and can show them skills of counting money and addition of them or percent discount.
    This will help them to understand the importance of Maths in everyday life also.
  • #1206
    You could use fruits and show him 1/2 of an apple or 1/2 a cake or 1/4 of an orange etc. You could also teach him how to count by using money and asking him to handle it himself to buy a candy bar or something. How much does it cost? How much do you have? If you pay the cost how much remains? and so on.

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