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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Do not load the child stomach with daily food instead give nutritious diet

    I have seen many new mothers are most worried about the children not eating the food in time and they have to spend hell lots of time carrying the child on the shoulder to show the happenings around or show the Sun or moon or even asking children to play so that her child would eat the food. Children are not interested to eat the routine food what we eat. They love new food tasty to their taste buds and thus trying nutritious diet would be more encouraging as they can sustain the hungry for long hours. Have you ever tried.?
  • #2062
    Children are very choosy in the matter of food. Some children dislike milk and the parents are at their wits end to feed them it as milk is so essential for the children. The author has suggested to give them nutritious food but until unless it is made in a tastier ways may be by including some particular spices in small amount to attract the children then only they would accept it. In no situation we should give them junk food Laced with Italian or Chinese spices. It would only harm them.

  • #2065
    I feel that kids do not eat when they are full. Mothers still force their little ones to eat as well as drink milk. If the mothers wait for a while, the task may become a little easier for them. When their little stomach empties, kids will automatically eat everything their mother has to offer them. Sometimes, it is also seen they throw tantrums and do not eat even while they are hungry. The reason is they are fed up of plain milk or same food fed to them. I agree that food should be nutritious which should keep little ones stomach full for a long time.

  • #2072
    Yes, Reena has made a very valid point. When the children are not feeling hungry how can we force them to eat. I remember when I was a child I used to ask my mother some food but she did not oblige immediately and told that first I do such and such work or do my home work and then only she would consider. Today we can not imagine that type of discipline.

  • #2073
    Reena you hit the point. Actually mother should gauge the likes of the child and feed only those food and not just make to accept what she eats.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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