Residential School Vs Day School - Which is Better for the Personality Development of the Students

Are you confused about whether to choose a Residential school or Day school for education? This article will compare residential school and day school system and will help you choose the best choice for your child.

Residential school vs Day school

Education plays a very important part of everyone's life, especially where a child is concerned. The foundational years are the most crucial as the acumen for studying, developing an affinity for a particular course and understanding of the importance of the education; all are learned in that phase only. Therefore, the parents are very concerned and aware of the schools their children study or live. Recently, a new trend has set in schooling which is gaining popularity and positive reviews and is referred to as the Residential Schools. The debate has been going on forever now on which is better – The residential school system or the day school system. Countries like the US, UK and India have been trying to establish the best option for kids. In India, schools in Dehradun, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata are mainly focused on residential or boarding schools. Though each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, the impact of both is crucial to the lives of students. Let us explore which one is better as far as the personal development of the students is concerned.

Residential Schools

Residential schools

The schools that provide daytime classes, as well as the residential facilities for the students are called the residential schools. These schools can also be sub-divided into hybrid ones which enroll both the day-scholars as well as the hostellers and the strictly residential schools which enrol only those students that stay in their hostels. We shall be considering both of these residential schools here to explore the personality development abilities in them.

Hybrid residential schools

Hybrid residential schools

If you are sceptical about the residential schools, then, the hybrid schools can be your line of choice. You will be able to evaluate whether your kid is able to understand the 'living without parents' thing and whether he or she finds it totally untowardly situation. You can talk to your children about the problems of hostellers such as do they find living out of home totally impossible, or they are able to fend for themselves. If your kid is being educated in such an environment, he or she will not find the change of shifting to a hostel a drastic one. Hence, a year or two of getting educated in a hybrid type of residential school will prepare your kid for the hostel life in a better manner.

Strictly Residential School

Strictly Residential School

The fact that the hostel life prepares a person for the life ahead in a better manner can so not be neglected. Living with other people, whom you are a stranger to, understanding their needs, your duties as a roommate, as a friend, learning to adapt and adjust for co-existence and managing your resources; hostel life teaches all of this and a lot more. A sudden relocation of your child from home to residential school can make him feel homesick or left out; but if you prepare him or her from the very start or let them have a year of understanding the hostel life in the hybrid schools, it would be very easy for them to accept the change.

The hostel life will instil some of the very good abilities such as preparing your own bag, taking victuals on time, understanding the importance of cleanliness and order and above all, compassion and punctuality. As the children grow, they are allotted certain duties and responsibilities such as dorm monitor, mess secretary, chief perfect, sports secretary, recreational secretary and hostel management member, etc which help them in being responsible and understanding.

The hostels for schools have particular hours of study and recreation and exercises etc. Therefore, the students learn how to plan their schedule for the rest of their lives too.

Advantages of Residential Schools (Hybrid as well as Strict)

Advantages of residential school

  • Residential Schools instil discipline to the student's life by teaching them to follow the rules and routines.

  • Another advantage of the residential schools is the close bonding between the teachers and the students. The teachers here develop close relations with the students and involve in the student's life. This is the only reason that the students develop the lifelong attachment with the teachers and give them respect throughout their life.

  • The best part of the residential schools that here the students learn to live independently and take care of their own needs. They learn how to face problems alone and how to overcome them.

  • The students who live in the residential schools are usually fearless and bold than the students of the day school. They know how to cope with the situation and how to handle the problems without taking help from others.

  • In the residential schools, the students are exposed to various opportunities exploiting the leadership skills.

Disadvantages of Residential Schools

Disadvantages of residential schools

  • Apart from the several benefits, the serious disadvantage of the residential school is the detachment from the parents. The students value their teachers, their friends but somewhere detached from their parents.

  • Cost is another issue in the case of the residential schools. It is quite obvious that the residential schools are costlier than the day schools.

  • Parents lose the control over the lives of their children and sometimes, the children fall in wrong society and learn dangerous habits such as stealing, nagging, bullying and even drugs.

Day Schools

Day school

The day schools, however, allow the parents to be an equal part of the lives of their children. They can see their loved little ones growing in front of their eyes, soother their injuries, their failures, celebrate their success, love them and hug them whenever they want. They can have a very close and personal relationship with their children. But education in the day school will mean that the parents have to keep a track on the development of their children and ensure that they participate in all the activities of the school. The parents will have to make their children value virtues such as compassion, honesty, team spirit, punctuality, and discipline. Making and following a routine will also be required.

Hence, the parents play a major part in the lives of the day scholars. They have to be really THERE so as to ensure that their kids are getting a perfect shape for their personality and growth.

The ease of handling the issues such as diseases, illness, problems, academics etc is however, more in the day scholar life.

Advantages of Day Schools

Advantages of day schools

  • Day schools are the best option for those parents who wish to keep the close supervision over their children. It enables the parent – teacher contact which helps the parents to regularly monitor the progress of their kids.

  • Another benefit of the day schools is the less cost. Several schools are there with the best facilities and top – class environment and the cost for the same is still low as compared to the residential schools.

  • Another advantage of the day schools is that there is no hectic schedule. If the student is not able to attend the school one day then it is easily possible. But, the same is quite difficult in the residential schools as there the students need to strictly follow the rules and regulations.

Disadvantages of Day Schools

Disadvantages of day schools

  • The first drawback of the day school is the lack of discipline in the students. Pampering by the parents stops the children to strictly follow rules and regulations. Here, the students know that if they commit the mistake then the parents are there to handle the same.

  • Another advantage of the day schools that the children studying here do not know to cope with the situation and always take the help of their parents in solving the same.

  • They don't know how to live independently and how to manage the situation alone.

  • With this, the students remain confined to the small region only. They cannot expose them to the new experiences and new knowledge. They even don't know how to maintain the discipline in their life.

  • Also, the students in the day schools face difficult to overcome the fear.


The decision finally rests in the hands of the parents and the children themselves; as every child is different and needs a different environment for growth and development.


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